The first time Michael saw the beautiful valley of Santa Ynez, 150 kilometers away from Santa Barbara in California, was in 1983 during the production of the video, "Say Say Say" with Paul McCartney. In 1988 he could buy the "Sycomore Valley Ranch" in neighbourhood to Ronald and Nancy Reagan. A new name was quickly found - Neverland Valley Ranch inspired from one of his most beloved books Peter Pan. Michael made the ranch a kind of paradise. It's a full scale amusement park with Ferris Wheel, Wipeout, Bumper cars and Sea Dragon. And it's also a colourful park with thousands of flowers, statues, little forests and lakes. In a zoo you can find many animals like monkeys, lions, white tigers, elephants and many cats, who are living in the valley. There is also a private film theatre and, of course, Michael's house. Some people wonder about "this childishness". But Michael claims, that he compensates his own lost childhood. "Well, it brings out the child that lives in everybody. I love rides and things like that and I share it with the children." But he not only uses all this only for himself and his own children. Every three weeks the park opens the doors for ill or underprivelidged children.
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"All over the walls of my room are pictures of Peter Pan. I've read everything that Barrie wrote. I totally identify with Peter Pan, the lost boy from Never Neverland." (Michael Jackson)

"People wonder why I always have children around, because I find the thing that I never had through them, you know, Disneyland, amusement parks, arcade games. I adore all that stuff because when I was little it was always work, work, work from one concert to the next, if it wasn't a concert it was a recording studio, if it wasn't that it was TV shows or interviews or picture sessions. There was always something to do. We have children that come who are - who intravenously - they are very sick, bedridden."