to be the voice of the voiceless: the children" (Michael Jackson)
What is Heal the Kids?
Heal the Kids is the lates charitable initiative of Michael Jackson. It is dedicated to promoting nurturing relationships between adults and children, and to fostering programs that help children gain the love, attention and quality time they need to prosper and flourish.
The aim of Heal the Kids is to encourage adults to reprioritize children, trusting that, by bringing our children from the periphery of our attention to the centre of our daily consciousness, we can imbue them with the love and devotion which they so badly need and break the cycle of neglect.
To contact Heal the Kids you can email them at or you can write, phone or fax them at:
Heal the Kids
6 East 39th Street
10th Floor
New York, NY 10016
Phone: (001) 212 792 6255
Fax: (001) 212 792 6257